New car battery for your car.

Price:Starting from RM175.
Warranty: Manufacturer's Warranty for the battery (Bosch and GP) regardless it is maintenance free or wet battery is 6 months for diesel/commercial vehicles/taxis and 12 months for petrol passenger vehicles. Warranty are from respective battery company, not from me. So rest assured that it is all NEW and Original Warranty.
Dealing method:COD only. Weekdays Daytime (Sunway Pyramid) and at SS2,Petaling Jaya (evening or night). Weekends at SS2, Petaling Jaya or nearby. Certain time only
Location of seller: Petaling Jaya,SS2
Here, You have a choice to Choose which brand to suit you budget!
GP - Wet Battery
NS40Z/L = RM 175
NS60/L = RM 190
NS70/L = RM 250
N70Z/L = RM 290
DIN 55 = RM 260
DIN66 = RM 285
55D23R/L = RM 260
NS40Z/L = RM 185
NS60/L = RM 205
NS70/L = RM 265
N70Z/L = RM 305
DIN 55 = RM 275
DIN66 = RM 290
55D23R/L = RM 275
BOSCH - Wet Battery
NS40Z/L = RM 185
NS60A/L = RM 200
NS70/L = RM 265
N70Z/L = RM 310
DIN 55 = RM 275
DIN66 = RM 295
NS40Z/L = RM 200
NS60/NS60L = RM 215
NS70/NS70L = RM 275
N70Z/L = RM 320
DIN55/DIN55R = RM 290
DIN66 = RM 305
Price quoted remain unchanged 1 Jan 2010
Price have Increase The Year 2010.
Found this blog while doing a search. Would like to know how much a DIN88 battery costs now, made by a well-known company? I'm still using a GP-Atlas DIN88 (58815) from July 2009 and I'm impressed it has lasted this long. If I were to replace, it will likely be with this same battery. The car will likely be okay with DIN66 but I feel it would be better to stick with DIN88.